Tuesday, September 21, 2010

hard enough

so, had club tonight...we made three different cards.  these picture do not do them any justice!  love my iPhone and all, but it does not take good card pictures.  this first one is with very vanilla and cherry cobbler - looks more like white and pink!  much, MUCH nicer in person!

yeah, these look dorky too - LOL  I don't think I can win when I do this!  the bling doesn't even look like bling, but like some black dots over in the corner.  I love this combo of pumpkin pie and concord crush [it's like my poorly put together outfit from saturday...my inspiration].  looks better on paper than it does in my clothing!

and then there's my newly decorated but not done basement.  isn't the lovely shade of insulation-pink so super gorgeous?  TOTALLY!  you can kinda see my aqua floor.  and yes, I've stapled and bolted things to the wall.  it looks better IRL.  I do like how cozy it is - we had fun down there tonight!

I promised pictures and this is what you get - sad but true!  oh well, you kinda get an idea.  on friday they're coming in to clean our furnace and to fix a bunch of stuff, so I didn't do a whole lot.  there are still many boxes that need to be sorted through.  but now, at least, I have one more month before people have to see it again!!!

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