Wednesday, January 19, 2011

peace of me

okay, so it looks WAY better in real life!!  my new obsession - sweet potato fries.  of the homemade variety.  super yummy.  and yes, that is a big ol' blob of ketchup on my plate.  I have yet to find an alternative.  all I do is slice up some yams or sweet potatoes, throw some olive oil, salt, pepper and cuban spices on them and bake them in the oven for 40 minutes, pausing at the 20 minute mark to turn them.  40 min at 400.  THAT easy.  'cause you know me.  I don't like to spend a ton of time making food.  I like quick and easy.  and yummy.  these meet all three requirements!

and I'm sick.  I have my fingers crossed that a day away from the germs [school] and a bunch of cold f/x will cure the nasty sore throat that I have.  we'll see.  a day with a pot of coffee and pvr'ed tv.  it's all good.  right?

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